God chose all who would be saved through faith in Jesus Christ before creation took place (Eph. 1:4; Tit. 1:1). Those who have been chosen cannot be stolen from God (Jo. 10:27-30), and their belief will accomplish God’s predestined purpose (Jo. 13:18). God will deliver His Chosen People from sinful earthly judges (Luke 18:7) because no earthly judge will be the final authority over God’s Chosen People (Rom. 8:33). There will be false prophets who will try to deceive God’s Chosen People, but because God’s Chosen People cannot be stolen, if the false prophets are successful, God’s Chosen People will lose their saltiness (Mark 13:22; cf. Matt. 5:13). God the Son chose us so we would bear fruit, suitable for Him to prune (Jo. 15:16; 19). At the rapture, alive believers will be taken to heaven from earth (Matt. 24:31).
Theological BeliefsI believe that without a proper understanding of the Bible, theology cannot be accurately developed, therefore within each assertion, you will find scripture references. I will post more as time goes on, but for now, if you have specific theological questions, please email me via the contact page. ArchivesCategories